Various fundamental changes have occurred in Saudi Arabia in recent decades. One sector that has experienced robust change and innovation in present-day Saudi Arabia is tourism. This article discusses the contemporary shift in Saudi Arabia’s religious, secular, and archaeological tourism sectors, as well as the history and development of Saudi tourism, in order to understand the factors, motives, logic, and driving forces that contribute to this change. The article argues that the development and innovation in Saudi tourism today are not merely driven by economic motivations, but are also propelled by governmental aspirations to create a new identity for Saudi Arabia: a global tourist destination, a modern country equipped with the latest technology, a pluralistic and tolerant society that welcomes foreign cultures, and a moderate nation that promotes religious moderation and discourages militancy and conservatism.

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Artikulli paraprakMusik di Indonesia; Sejarah dan Perkembangan Kontemporer
Antropolog Budaya di King Fahd University, Direktur Nusantara Institute, Kontributor The Middle East Institute, Kolumnis Deutsche Welle, dan Senior Fellow di National University of Singapore.


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