This article aims to examine the rise of religiously-inspired violent extremism and Islamist militancy, which challenges democracy and civic pluralism in contemporary Indonesia.

Additionally, this article offers possible ways of resolving conflict and building peace and dialogue with the radicals and Islamists in this archipelagic country. Following the political reformation in 1998 that marked the end of the New Order rule, violent conflict and Islamist radicalism broke out in some areas of Indonesia.

There have been numerous types of violence in post-Suharto Indonesia, each with different roots, objectives, factors and histories. This article, however, focuses solely on religious violence and Islamist militancy, and it examines models, approaches and practices of conflict transformation and strategic peacebuilding that are suitable for Indonesian society.

  This article emphasises the role of law and justice, local power capacity, and some aspects of religion, local tradition, and culture as focal resources for building peace and resolving violent conflicts.

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Artikulli paraprakSejumlah Kesalahpahaman terhadap Hizbut Tahrir
Artikulli tjetërBahaya Laten Islamis-Teroris
Antropolog Budaya di King Fahd University, Direktur Nusantara Institute, Kontributor The Middle East Institute, Kolumnis Deutsche Welle, dan Senior Fellow di National University of Singapore.