The article focuses on the study of public Islam in Southeast Asia,
the world’s most populous Islamic region. More speciícally, it examines
“late modernity” and its relation to the unprecedented growth of Islam, the
Islamic resurgence, and Muslim politics in the public domains of modern
Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia and the Philippines.

It alsoexamines the history of Islam’s resurgence, the underlying factors drivingthe region’s Islamic boom, and the implications of the aforementioned
phenomena on democracy, civil co-existence, and social relations among
ethno-religious groups in these areas.

Using Southeast Asia as a case of public Islam, the article’s main purpose is to revisit the strength of classic modernization and secularization theories that forecasted the decline, or even the death, of religion from global politics and public spheres.

Finally, the article also aims to provide insights on the local dynamics and plurality of public Islam in Southeast Asia.

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Artikulli paraprakMeningkatkan Budaya Baca dan Literasi Masyarakat Indonesia
Artikulli tjetërMenghindari Jebakan “Politik SARA” dalam Pilkada 2018
Antropolog Budaya di King Fahd University, Direktur Nusantara Institute, Kontributor The Middle East Institute, Kolumnis Deutsche Welle, dan Senior Fellow di National University of Singapore.