Pro-Kontra Emansipasi Perempuan di Arab Saudi
Sejak Raja Salman atau lebih tepatnya Putra Mahkota Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) mencanangkan kebijakan emansipasi perempuan dan kesetaraan gender, khususnya di dunia pekerjaan dan...
Lessons learned from women’s emancipation in Saudi Arabia
The increasing freedoms and flexibilities Saudi women enjoy today offer a few pertinent lessons in social practices and behavior with respect to religious practicesI...
Indonesia’s Future under Prabowo: Will be Better?
Since October 20, 2024, Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim-majority country and Southeast Asia’s largest economy, has had a new president and a vice president: Prabowo...
Kristen Palestina yang Terlupakan
Setiap konflik Israel-Palestina meletus (sejak 1948), dunia selalu tertuju pada umat Islam dan Yahudi. Memang mayoritas masyarakat menganggap perang Israel-Palestina sebagai kekerasan agama antara...
Houthi dan Syiah Yaman
Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, nama Houthi Yaman mencuat, tak kalah populer dengan Hamas Palestina, Hizbullah Lebanon, atau ISIS di Irak dan Suriah. Padahal sebelumnya...
Ambivalensi Bela Manusia
Sedih menyaksikan perang Israel-Hamas/Palestina yang tak kunjung usai. Lebih sedih lagi melihat banyak negara dan masyarakat di berbagai belahan dunia ini, baik Barat, Timur...
The Ambivalence of Human Defense
It is sad to witness the ongoing Israel-Hamas/Palestine war. It is even sadder to see many countries and communities around the world being ambivalent...
Yemen’s Houthis and Shiites
In recent years, the name Yemen's Houthi has emerged, no less popular than Palestinian Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah, or ISIS (NIIS) in Iraq and Syria. In fact,...
Why is the divorce rate so high in Saudi Arabia?
From year to year, divorce cases tend to increase in Saudi Arabia, and the divorce rate has been staggeringly high in recent years. According...
Dilema Pengungsi di Timur Tengah
Saat mengunjungi Lebanon beberapa tahun silam, saya sempatkan mampir ke sebuah kawasan yang dihuni banyak pengungsi. Di sini , pengungsi tersebar di sejumlah daerah: Homs, Jabal Saman,...
The Refugee Dilemma in the Middle East
When visiting Lebanon several years ago, I stopped by an area where there were many refugees. Here (in Lebanon but also Syria), refugees are spread across a...
About Qatar
Qatar's social history is full of intrigue, conflict and violence, in stark contrast to the contemporary image of Qatar as relatively devoid of communal...
Religious Studies in Higher Education
Can Perguruan Tinggi (PT) Islam (Islamic Higher Education) in Indonesia become a pioneer in studying non-Islamic religions and non-Muslim societies?
It is interesting to question...
Religious Tolerance in the United Arab Emirates
The UAE is now known as a very tolerant country. An important lesson that can be drawn from the UAE is that in order...
Middle East, Religion and Religiosity
Why do some people in the Middle East become atheists? The phenomenon of atheism in the Middle East is actually the same as the...